By-laws can be found in the repository below. Some frequently referenced by-laws are:
2017-068: Noise By-law
2023-011: Dog Control By-law
2015-070: Prohibited Animal By-law
2023-061: Parks and Recreation By-law (includes beach provisions)
2016-014: Traffic and Parking By-law
2017-121: Burning By-law
2021-037: ATV By-law (amended by 2023-072)
2018-037: Lot Maintenance By-law
2023-021: Council & Committee Procedural By-law
2024-077: Rates and Fees By-law
2024-033: Refreshment Vehicle By-law
Z456-2003: Zoning By-law * See the Zoning By-law Page for additional information.
The Municipality of Bayham makes every effort to ensure documents are accessible. If you require further assistance with a document from our website, please contact the Clerk.