By-law Enforcement
Bayham By-law Enforcement is a shared service with Malahide Township.
The By-law Enforcement Department responds to written complaints in accordance with the Municipal Law Enforcement Policy and the Zoning Enforcement Policy.
Complaints are to be submitted through the Confidential Municipal Law Enforcement Form.
By-law Enforcement Officers attempt to achieve voluntary compliance through education. In the event that compliance cannot be achieved within a satisfactory timeframe, the By-law Enforcement Officer has legal authority to exercise additional options. This can include:
- Remedial Action (doing the work and billing costs back to the tax roll)
- Issuance of an Order to Comply (a legally enforceable action compelling something to be done)
- Laying charges for an offence under a by-law in the Ontario Court of Justice
Visit the By-law webpage for access to the by-laws.