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Bayham has a number of cemeteries within its boundaries. Cemetery operations and regulations are outlined within By-law No. 2015-116: Management, Regulation & Control of Cemeteries and Cemetery fees are outlined within the schedules of By-law No. 2023-088.

Please contact the Municipal Office at 519-866-5521 for any cemetery inquiries. 

View the Cemetery Map to see the locations or, for additional details, including decoration day dates, click on any Cemetery below: 

53688 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0

It is said that previous to 1850 the village of Richmond, being on the west side of Otter Creek, were faced with flooding which sometimes made the cemetery on the east side inaccessible. In 1850, Jeremia Moore donated a parcel of land on the west side of the village for a cemetery.  The cemetery was expanded on the west side by 46.5 feet in 1925. This land was bought from William Green.  The last expansion was 73 feet added across the north end. Violet Stanat donated this land from the Stanat farm in 1991.

Bayham West (Richmond) Cemetery Decoration Day - 4th Sunday in August

54536 Best Line, Aylmer, ON N5H 2R3

This property, consisting of one acre is situated at 54536 Best Line, being South Part Lot 8, Concession 10, of the Municipality of Bayham, 1 km east of the hamlet of Corinth. In 1864 Casper Best, owner of the farm on which it was situated, donated it for the use of a burial ground.

Best Cemetery Decoration Day - 4th Sunday in August

6964 Richmond Road, c/o Municipality of Bayham, Box 160 Straffordville, On N0J 1Y0

On May 14, 1881, Bartholomew John Timpany and Sarah Ann Timpany sold a portion of land measuring 99’ x 325’ for $1.00 to the trustees of the new Van Pine Cemetery Board for a burial ground to be used by any Christian Organization, subject to the rules of the Trustees of Van Pine Cemetery Board, and said Trustees shall set rules of the burial grounds upholding Christian teachings. The Van Pine Cemetery Board members were: Charles Timpany, Mahlon McCouneld, Ercelius VanVelzer.

We do not know where the name Van Pine came from unless the cemetery was in a plantation of pine trees. In 1920 and 30, there were a number of large pine trees still growing in front of the cemetery.

Plots No.1 on either side of the driveway were reserved for burials of paupers (strangers). Plots No. II were sold to Elijah Phelps and children or heirs as in the Deed for $1.00. The size of the plot was 13’ x 41’ on the south side of the driveway. Plots No. III were sold to Bradford Wilson and family for $1.00. The size of the plot was 13’ x 41’ on the north side of the driveway.

Many Christian Churches are represented here – Baptist, United Church, Lutheran, Catholic, Evangelical, Mennonites, etc. Presently, there are approximately 350 different families represented here. It seems there were burials on this property as early as 1829, and apparently this same land was purchased for the cemetery in 1881, and carried on as such.

Since 1881, the Cemetery has been enlarged about four times, and each time it was done by moving the fences out further instead of buying the land from the owner. In 1971, C. D. Phillips Ltd. gave the Cemetery additional land that consisted of 100 more burial plots, and at this time the Deed was corrected to cover the land the Cemetery had expanded to in the past years.

Calton Cemetery Decoration Day - 3rd Sunday in August

57084 Calton Line, Vienna, ON N0J 1Z0

56139 Green Line, Tillsonburg, ON, N4G 4G8

One pleasant burial site is the Dobbie Cemetery of North Bayham, on the 10th Concession, east of Corinth.
(1847) Rising high and dry above a semi-border of open woodland, it is delightfully restful and sunny on a bright March day. It is small, but full of handsome monuments, introducing you to the old families of the district – Livingston’s, Crossett’s, Haley’s, Elliott’s, etc.
Conspicuous among the stones is the monument of George William Best and the spires of the twin obelisks of Andrew and George Dobbie, ancestors of one of the most influential families of North Bayham. In fact, it was from the estate of Colonel Andrew Dobbie that the plot for the cemetery was given. There are so many odd things that one runs across in connection with cemeteries – this burial plot was, and still is, Anglican, although the surrounding community during the memory of modern man has always been Methodist.
The place must have been considered a centre of population at one time. For not only did the North Bayham Methodists erect their first church on a knoll across the field, but before that, the Anglicans planned to build a church there. It was for this purpose that Colonel Andrew Dobbie’s grant included five acres, the west part reverting to the estate when the edifice did not materialize.
Most of the woodland that surrounded the Dobbie Cemetery has disappeared, but it is still a pleasant spot. It is more neatly kept than many country cemeteries due to the fact that a perpetual care fund was established some years ago, started by the late George Elliott, whose earthly remains now rest in this same cemetery. The fund is now administered by a Cemetery Board.

56897 Eden Line, Eden, ON N0J 1H0 

Edwin Gray donated the site of the Eden Cemetery, as well as property for the Baptist Church and the parsonage. After pine stumps were removed and the hilltop leveled, Jesse Ball, Provincial Land Surveyor (P.L.S.) surveyed into plots 12 by 16 feet, with a four-foot walk around the sides of a double plot.

Plots were awarded to persons who had done a stated amount of work in the clearing and leveling. The price per plot was $10, raised to $15 and then $20, including perpetual care.

Once perpetual care was introduced, a plentiful supply of water was secured when Wilfred Nelson bored a well. C.C. Travis and Nathan Gray paid for the pressure system.

The boundary of land given to the cemetery had been the base of the hill. As space became nearly all occupied, adjoining land was sought. When Mrs. Maud Wilson sold to Nathan Gray, he presented the church with the land desired.

A former Pastor, Rev. George F. Humphries, introduced perpetual care. Wilfred Nelson became caretaker and Cecil Ball treasurer.

The first Decoration Day was held in September 1952 with a large attendance. The Tillsonburg Community Band aided in the ceremonies. The guest speaker Rev. Swackhammer gave the address and the Eden Baptist Choir closed with the anthem “When the Roll is Called up Yonder.”

 Eden Cemetery Decoration Day - 1st Sunday in September

54880 Glen Erie Line, Vienna, ON N0J 1Z0

This cemetery is all that remains of the Village of Estherville, which sprang up at the site of the first bridge to span the Otter Creek. There is a sign to identify this cemetery, which is located on Plank Road at Glen Erie Line. It contains the grave of Thomas Edison who was the son of John Edison and that of Thomas’s wife Margaret. This site also contains the stone of Samuel Edison, who died at the age of 30 in 1817, but it is possible that this stone was originally located in the “Old John Edison Cemetery” as was the stone belonging to Caleb Haines. Two new stones have been added to commemorate Elsie Edison, who died in 1885, and Susanna and Enos Edison, who were wife and husband as well as first cousins.

 Estherville Cemetery Decoration Day - 2nd Sunday in November (Service at 2 pm)

10968 Springer Hill Rd, Aylmer, ON N5H 2R3

In the early days of the settlement of this section of Canada and before a railroad was built, churches or chapels, as they were called, were built, to accommodate the early settlers.

On the north-east corner of Concession 10, Bayham Township, Lot 1, was built one known as Benson’s Chapple, and for burial purposes a burial place was selected one mile south, and was known as the Firby Cemetery, no doubt owing to it being a sandy knoll, and the property belonging to one Thomas Firby one of the early settlers.

It was used as a burial place before the deed was given for that purpose, as the dates on some of the tombstones will signify by their dates of burial.

57682 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0

Guysboro Cemetery is located at Lot 133, Concession 7 on the north side of Talbot Road (Heritage Line) approximately 3 miles east of Straffordville. In 1837, the Crown sold land including this property to John Hiestant, who in turn sold the 200 acres to Martin Hubbard in 1850. In 1851, Martin Hubbard sold the south 100 acres to John Kidd, who reserved one acre (later enlarged) for a cemetery. It is quite certain that there were graves already there and that he was giving this fact consideration and respect by officially designating it as a cemetery. The first recorded burial in the cemetery may have been in 1835, Mrs. Christian Honsberger (nee Agnes Mayer). Her plot is located in the southeast corner on the ridge near the road fence. Cecil Ball collected 182 burial permits that had been issued from gravediggers for the cemetery. The oldest permit was dated April 12, 1897 and referred to the death of Martha Kennedy. In 1897 an additional tract of land to the north of the old section was bought from Tilman and Mariah Marlatt for $10.00. This increased the total area to 1.75 acres.
There is no evidence that an organized plan or map of the cemetery existed before 1957. The fact that a roadway existed in the cemetery and that plots were laid out in an orderly manner indicates that plots were assigned – it is likely that a respected member of the community kept the details in memory. In the early 1900’s, the cemetery area was fenced to keep out livestock, but was otherwise uncared for and grown over with bushes and weeds. Occasionally George Marshall called a “bee” of plot owners to burn off the grass and brush. Some plot owners were able to clear the weeds and brush on their individual plots.
On May 1, 1957, a bee was called for the purpose of burning the accumulation of dead grass and brush and to plan for future care, as per the opening quote from the Guysboro Cemetery Minute Book. Another meeting was called and chairman, secretary-treasurer and board of trustees were appointed. Under supervision of the new board the shed was moved from near the road to its present location at the west centre of the cemetery, broken monuments were repaired and reset, plots were leveled where possible, the driveway improved and new fence put along Talbot Road. Cliff Thomas undertook the task of measuring the area, drawing a map to scale and inserting the names of those buried in each grave. He also spent many hours repairing stones and putting in markers. It was decided that no plots should be sold in the future without perpetual care being included in the price, and that no more plots would be sold in the south part (old section) because of the uncertainty of burial locations there. The first Annual Decoration and Memorial Day Service was held on August 24, 1958, and Decoration Day has been held on the fourth Sunday in August every year since that date.
Abstracted from, and for more details see “The History of Guysboro Cemetery” as compiled by Cecil Ball, 1991.

 Guysboro Cemetery Decoration Day - 4th Sunday in August

55236 Light Line, Vienna, ON N0J 1Z0

The Light Cemetery is located on the Light Line, just off of Plank Line on the outskirts of Vienna. Although it does not contain any Edison graves, it does have stones dating back to 1864, some of which are unique and many of which belong to families that helped found Vienna. Make sure to see the grave of the Murphy Children, which has been well preserved by the flowering bush that surrounds it. Originally, this was the Light Family’s cemetery, but it is still in use today with the last burial being fairly recent. William and Louise Macdonald donated it to the Municipality of Bayham in 1991. Its shady and flowered corners make it a pleasant side trip.

 Light Cemetery Decoration Day - 4th Sunday in August

54254 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0


56651 Tunnel Line, Vienna, ON N0J 1Z0

This cemetery once served the Otter Valley Settlement, which was later known as McCurdy’s Corners. Never a large settlement, it revolved around Mcurdy’s Mill and was once the site of a religious dispute that let to bloodshed. It is located on Tunnel Road and contains the graves of Henry (also called Harry) Edison (1800-1883), his wife, Caroline Harris (1808-1911). Deborah’s husband, Thomas Blain (1848-1832), is also buried there with their two daughters, Carrie Blain, wife of Dr. J.H. Hoover (1872-1929), and Mary (1874-1916). Rachel’s husband, George Blain (1845-1912), is buried there as well.
This quiet, treed location makes this cemetery hard to spot but a wonderful place to visit. It is well-kept, although the stones have been moved from their original location to this central area for the sake of maintenance and preservation. The driveway to the right of the cemetery is the best place to park; just ignore the no trespassing signs as they do not apply to those visiting the cemetery.

31 King Street East, Vienna, ON N0J 1Z0

This cemetery is located at the very end of King St., up a gravel path and through a gate. Unless there has been heavy rain, it is quite possible to drive up the gravel section of the road. In this secluded setting, you will find the graves of many of Thomas Edison’s relatives, including his grandfather.

This cemetery came under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Bayham in 1963 and was restored in 1965.
Some of the gravestones of note are:
Capt. Samuel Edison – This grave is located by the tree in the centre of the cemetery in the corner opposite the gate. Samuel Edison was the paternal grandfather of Thomas Alva Edison and donated the land now used as the Edison Pioneer Cemetery. Although the stone claims he died at the age of 103, it has been found, after much research, that he actually died at the age of 98. He came to Vienna with his elderly father and extended family in 1811 and eventually built a homestead on the banks of the Otter Creek. He became captain in the war of 1812, continuing his family’s United Empire Loyalist Tradition.
Nancy Simpson Edison – Nancy was the first wife of Captain Samuel Edison.  Her stone was previously considered missing but has since been located near Captain Samuel's and reads: In memory of Nancy 1st wife of Samuel EDISON who died Sept. 26th, 1824 in the 54th year of her age.

Nancy Elliott was the first wife of Samuel Edison Jr.  They were the parents of the inventor Thomas Alva Edison and are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Port Huron, Michigan.

55177 Jackson Line, Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0

The original burial ground was a triangular piece of ground with 158 feet of frontage on the fifth line road (Jackson Line). It was located in the northeast corner of Lot 13 North Concession 5 on the west side of the spring creek that flows into Lot 13 near this point.
In light of information from Bayham Township, Deeds & Index to Deeds, Abstract Index A & B, 1812 -1901, Archives of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, probably this piece of property was purchased from Peter Johnson around 1860.
Why the cemetery is called Smuck Cemetery is not clear. Robert Smuck was secretary-treasurer of Bayham Township School Section Number Twelve, and the school known as Smuck School, was situated on the very northwest corner of Lot 14 North Concession 5 just on the east side of the spring creek. Perhaps the school and cemetery started sharing a common moniker.
In 1901 the cemetery board purchased additional ground from the Humphrey family. This property had approximately 50 feet of frontage on the fifth line. It lay to the west side and adjoined the original cemetery and ran the full length of the original burial ground.
Again in 1928 the Humphrey’s sold another piece of ground with about 35 feet of frontage on the fifth line. This piece adjoined the property purchased in 1901.
According to the records of July 28, 1941 meeting of the Smuck Cemetery Board, Wallace Humphrey, Robert Jackson and Ray Thurston were voted unanimously to be the trustees. Robert Jackson moved and Ray Thurston seconded that Wallace Humphrey act as secretary-treasurer. This is a post that Wallace Humphrey filled with dedication and diligence until the 1980’s.
In the spring of 1945 the board replaced some of the posts in the fences on the west and east sides. The total cost of the posts was $7.85.
During the early 1950’s the community took up a collection and bought two push type reel mowers. Robert Jackson and any conscripts he could collect used these to maintain the grass cutting.
In the spring of 1966 the board spent $91.57 to install 40 rods of wire fence with all the requisite hardware. Also in the mid-60’s they began paying a Mr. Mills of Tillsonburg to cut the grass.
Elton Jackson and Steve Gregson drew, to scale, a map of all parts of the Smuck Cemetery in 1973. The Director and Cemeteries Branch accepted this diagram August 29, 1973.
Early in the 1970’s the estate of Jamie Nevill provided funds for the installation of a chain link fence along the north side of the cemetery fronting on the fifth line (Jackson Line).
Over the years various community members have served as trustees.

Smuck Cemetery Decoration Day - 3rd Sunday in August

58180 Calton Line, Vienna, ON N0J 1Z0

55939 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0

Some time in the early 1800’s a man by the name of Abram Hunsberger, who resided in Bayham Twp., Elgin County, was noted as being a teacher in a German School.
Later he learned English, his son of nine years acting as tutor. Near the village of Straffordville about one mile west, on the south side of Talbot Road, he cleared and donated an acre of land to be used as a cemetery for people regardless of belief. At that date it was known as Sandy Town.
(Kindly note “regardless of belief” a tradition that is still carried on.) Mr. Hunsberger and his wife Anna are buried in this cemetery.

On Dec.22, 1906, the Trustees, Weston Thomas, Moses Stratton, and Enos Hunsberger purchased four acres of land for $200 from Weston Thomas. Plots up to this time were sold at $5.00 per plot. The size of plots was 16’ by 16’.
In 1906 the price of a plot was raised to 10 dollars. The care of the cemetery at this time was a community project. Arbor Day was held once a year, for the genuine cleanup and donations were received from interested people to cover what was needed for the outlay. As the early years passed, many changes were made. More time was demanded to keep the grounds in shape, and in 1937 they began to work toward Perpetual Care. This came into effect a short time later. Up until this time they had been trying to collect $2.00 from each plot holder.
1955, at this time the Board received from L.C. Garnham a new map of the Cemetery, a survey that had been prepared by Mr. Garnham after many weeks of work without remuneration.
This was deeply appreciated by the presiding Board, and at this time a motion was passed and carried, that all plots sold hereafter would be according to the L.C. Garnham Survey.
On Aug. 18, 1957 the first Decoration Day was held and was so well accepted by the Community that it continues to be an annual event held on the third weekend in August each year.
Tribute should be made to all those who have given of themselves through the years to make the Straffordville Cemetery what it is today.

Cemetery Decoration Day - 3rd Weekend in August

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