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Local Community Groups

The Municipality recognizes the hard-working local community groups that volunteer and serve in Bayham.  Volunteers are vital to the betterment of the community and the residents.

"Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless." - Sherry Anderson

Contact the group directly if you wish to have more information on volunteer opportunities within our  community.

The Bayham Beachfest Committee organizes the Beachfest event in Port Burwell each year, on the August Civic Long Weekend, as well as organizing the annual Port Burwell Santa Claus Parade, on the first Saturday in December. For more information about the group or their events, visit their Facebook Page or contact them by email:

The Bayham Historical Society (BHS) operates the Edison, Vienna & Area Museum, located at 6209 Plank Road, Vienna. The BHS organizes several community events throughout the year. For more information, visit their Facebook Page or contact them by email:

The OVN consists of approximately 40 members, who are members of a much larger provincial body known as Ontario Nature (ON). Ontario Nature includes over 160 clubs and over 35,000 members from across the province of Ontario.

The OVN meets monthly, usually the 2nd Thursday of each month, September through June, at 7 pm at the Vienna Lions Community Centre, 26 Fulton St, Vienna and are open to the public. Guests are always welcome!

The Otter Valley Naturalists club has guest speakers and also additional outings. Some of the outings include: 

The Christmas Bird Count, The Baillie Birdathon (in Conjunction with Bird Studies Canada), a summer butterfly count, Monarch Butterfly tagging, a spring cleanup, nature walks, education and outreach, habitat creation and rehabilitation projects

For more information about their meetings, or to become a member, please visit their Website or Facebook Page.

The Photographers of the Otter Valley club is open to anyone with an interest in photography.  There is a small annual fee for membership, but the meetings are open, so if interested, come to a meeting or two and then decide if you wish to join.

Meetings are held monthly, usually the first Tuesday of each month and are held at the lower level of the Straffordville Library, 9366 Plank Road, Straffordville.  Meetings start at 6 pm and end before 8 pm, when the library closes.

For more information about their meetings, or to become a member, please visit their Website or Facebook page

The Port Burwell Historical Society (PBHS) is the organizer and primary sponsor of the annual Port Burwell Canada Day festivities. As well, they are an active partner with the Marine Museum and are leading the refurbishment of the Wheelhouse at the Museum. For more information about this group, visit their Facebook Page or contact by email:



The group's members bring beautification to Bayham every year, by maintaining all the cement planters throughout the Municipality and are always welcoming new members to be involved in making this happen.  For more information about their meetings and garden tours in the summer, or to become a member, visit their Facebook Page or contact by email:

The Straffordville Community Committee (SCC) is the organizer of the annual Straffordville Watermelon Fest held on the fourth Saturday in August.  The SCC also operates Cash Bingos at the Straffordville Community Centre along with other community events.  For more information about this group and all their events, visit their Facebook Page or contact by email: 

The Straffordville Hall Foundation (SHF) manages the Straffordville Community Centre events and bookings.  The group organizes several events throughout the year, including the annual Straffordville Santa Claus parade, held on the second Saturday in December.  For more information about this group and all their fundraising events, visit their Facebook Page or contact by email: 

The Vienna Lions Club is a group of dedicated volunteers who provide humanitarian relief to many organizations, via fundraising efforts throughout the year.  The Vienna Lions Club owns and operates the Vienna Lions Community Centre, a large two-story hall, located at 26 Fulton Street, Vienna. For more information, visit their Facebook Page or  contact by email:

The Vienna Swans Club is a service club located in East Elgin, serving communities in Elgin County and across Ontario. We strive to promote our motto, "Volunteering for a Better Community."  In February, we have our "Friends of February" meeting, where each member is encouraged to bring a friend or anyone interested in joining our club. To learn more about us, visit their Facebook page Vienna Swans or Email at

Meetings are held at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 524, 40 Wellington Street, in Port Burwell, on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. (except July and August). 






A huge thank you to all volunteers, for all that you do to help make our community better! 

If you are a local community group and you are not listed and would like to be, please contact the municipal office at 519-866-5521 or email at 

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