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Bayham Council utilizes Advisory Boards & Committees to provide knowledge, skills and non-binding advice on a specific issue or area of knowledge. Committee and Board Members are to abide by the Advisory Board and Committee Policy and meeting procedures are governed through the Procedural By-law. The mandates are outlined in the respective Terms of Reference as linked for each below: 

Joint Cemetery Board

Museum Advisory Committee

Waterfront Advisory Committee 

Meeting dates can be found on the Calendar and agendas and minutes can be found on the agendas and minutes page linked on the right hand side of this page. Committee Meetings take place in the Trackless Lounge at 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville. Committee meetings are open to the public. Hybrid technologies are not in place to live-stream committee meetings. 

Bayham also has "Independent Committees" that are required to be enacted by Council under specific legislation operating as quasi-judicial body. These include the Committee of Adjustment, Court of Revision and Property Standards Committee. 

Bayham Council Members also sit on a number of "External Committees" such as:

  • Long Point Region Conservation Authority 
  • Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management
  • Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System 
  • Elgin Group Joint Police Services Board 
  • Joint Otter Valley Utility Corridor Board of Management

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