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Building Services

The Building Department is responsible for ensuring that all construction in Bayham meets the required standards outlined in the Ontario Building Code, Zoning By-law, Building By-law, and other applicable laws and regulations. The building permit process is how this is achieved and protects the interests of homeowners, developers and the community.

The Municipality of Bayham uses Cloudpermit for the application and issuance of building permits. Visit the Cloudpermit site to set up your account! 

What is a building?

The Building Code Act of Ontario defines a building as: (a) a structure occupying an area greater than 10 square metres (108 sq. ft.) consisting of a wall, roof and floor, or any of them or a structural system serving the function thereof including all plumbing, works, fixtures and service systems appurtenant thereto, (b) a structure occupying an area of 10 square metres (108 sq. ft.) or less that contains plumbing, including the plumbing appurtenant thereto, (c) plumbing not located in a structure, (c.1) a sewage system or (d) structures designated in the building code.
Examples of structures that are considered buildings:

  • Houses
  • Sheds, garages, shops, carports 
  • Additions to existing buildings

When is a building permit required?

A building permit is required for any new building greater than 10 sq. metres (108 sq. ft.), or any detached shed 15 sq. metres (161 sq.ft) or greater, any addition to an existing building, any structural alterations to an existing building. Examples of projects that require building permits:

  • installation of solid fuel burning appliances (woodstoves, pellet stoves, fireplaces, chimneys)
  • decks, roofed over decks or porches
  • changing roof trusses or rafters
  • structural alterations
  • removing a load bearing wall and adding a beam
  • basement or main floor walkout alterations
  • sunrooms
  • solariums
  • carports
  • attached or detached garages
  • sheds (larger than 161 sq. ft)
  • dormers or finishing of attic space
  • additions
  • installation of sanitary sewer and/or water service
  • installation or repair to septic system
  • finishing a basement or a portion thereof
  • conversion from septic to sanitary sewer
  • plumbing and/or drains (except replacing fixtures)
  • new or structural alterations to windows or doors
  • structural fire damage 

When is a building permit not required?

A building permit is not required for detached sheds that are 15 sq. metres (161 sq. ft.) or less, however the location of such structures must still meet the zoning regulations, contact the municipal office for zoning information.

Examples of projects not requiring a building permit:

  • fences (other than for swimming pools)
  • replacement roofing, asphalt shingles, steel, etc
  • eavestroughs
  • minor repairs to masonry
  • damp proofing basements
  • kitchen or bathroom cupboards without plumbing
  • replacing siding or windows (provided there are no structural changes)
  • painting and decorating
  • landscaping

Who should apply for a building permit?

It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that a building permit is obtained when required. You may authorize your contractor or designer to apply for the permit, but the owner should ensure that they have the permit prior to any work starting.      

When can work start?

No work can start until the building permit is issued; this is normally no longer than 10 business days for most applications, from the time a completed application is submitted through the Cloudpermit program. 

What inspections are required?

The mandatory inspections required for your project will be indicated on the permit at the bottom of the permit form. Examples of the required inspections for a new house are:

  • when excavation is completed, footing forms are in place and prior to pouring concrete footings
  • when foundation walls are completed, drainage tile and gravel cover installed, damproofing installed and drainage layer installed, and prior to backfilling
  • when underground plumbing pipes are installed
  • when structural framing is complete 
  • when mechanical systems are roughed in
  • when roughed in plumbing pipes are installed
  • when insulation and vapour barrier is installed and prior to drywall
  • when home is ready to be occupied
  • when project is completed

It is your responsibility to ensure that either you or your contractor contacts the building inspector to request an inspection at least 24 hours before work proceeds from one inspection stage to the next. 

New houses:

  • Complete application
  • Building plans
  • Site plan
  • Truss drawings
  • Grading plan (if applicable - contact building inspector)
  • Proof of potable water and water supply
  • Plumbing information
  • Mechanical ventilation design
  • Heat loss calculations and duct design
  • Septic information (if applicable)
  • Sewer and water service information (if applicable)
  • 911 civic address sign (if applicable) 
  • Road access requirement (if applicable) 

Residential additions: 

  • Complete application
  • Building plans
  • Site plan
  • Truss drawings
  • Grading plan (if applicable - contact building inspector)
  • Mechanical ventilation design
  • Heat loss calculations
  • Plumbing information (if applicable)

Sheds & Decks:

  • Complete application
  • Building plans
  • Site plan
  • Truss drawings (if applicable)

Agricultural buildings: 

  • Complete application
  • Building plans
  • Site plan
  • Truss drawing
  • Grading plan (if applicable - contact building inspector)
  • Plumbing information (if applicable)  

Industrial & Commercial buildings: 

  • Complete application
  • Building plans (ask building inspector for project specific details)
  • Site plan
  • Truss drawings
  • Grading plan (if applicable - contact building inspector)
  • Proof of potable water and water supply
  • Septic information (if applicable)
  • Sewer and water service information (if applicable)
  • 911 civic address sign (if applicable)
  • Road access requirement (if applicable)
  • Plumbing information (if applicable)

Swimming pools:

The installation of a pool requires a pool permit.  The Zoning By-law requires all pools to be fenced with a 1.2 metre high fence and lockable gate.

Features of Cloudpermit

  1. Apply for and see the status of your permit application anywhere, at any time
  2. You can start an application and finish it later
  3. Receive email updates on the status of your permit application
  4. A record of permit documents will be retained under your online profile for future reference
  5. Request inspections online with inspection results sent straight to your email

How to create an account with Cloudpermit

To get started with Cloudpermit you will need to create an account. 

Note: you will need an email address to use the system.

  1. Go to the Cloudpermit site.
  2. Click on “Create Now” found under the Register for an account column.
  3. Provide your email address.
  4. Cloudpermit will send an email to the address you have provided.
  5. Open the email and complete the registration process.
    Note: this email is only valid for 24 hours.

Next time you visit the site or if you have used the system before you will just login using your email and password under the Log in column.

How to apply for a building permit within Cloudpermit

  1. Go to the Cloudpermit site and log in.
  2. Click the “Create A New Application” button in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Create a New Project, and give it a name. Please use your address as the project name. Then select NEXT.
  4. Provide the Location where the work will be taking place. (Ensure to change to the applicable municipality drop-down menu). You can then type in your address, street or roll number, OR you can find your property on the map. Once you have the correct location (it appears under the map), select NEXT.
  5. Select the Application Type and Category appropriate for your project. Then select NEXT.
  6. At this point, you’ll see a Summary. Check if the information is accurate. If you need to make changes, use the “Back” button. If everything is correct, select ”Finish and Create”.

At this point you can follow the instructions on the Cloudpermit site by adding the required parties to the application and uploading the required forms and drawings. Once this is complete select “Submit Application”.

Can I just submit a paper application instead?

We do encourage everyone to use the online Cloudpermit software portal for building permit applications but we will accept paper applications if unable to use Cloudpermit. Please contact the Building Department if you require a paper application. 

Building permit fees are set in the Rates and Fees by-law

Development charges are set in the Development Charges by-law. Section 5.1 of this by-law stipulates that development charges imposed shall be adjusted annually without requiring an amendment to the by-law to take effect January 1 of each year and in accordance with the prescribed index. 

Bill 23, More Homes Built Fast Act, 2022, also provides language for further adjustments. 

Please see below for the current charges: 


2023: October to December 



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