The Municipality of Bayham no longer issues dog tags. However, dog owners are still required to identify their dogs, including contact information, for a possible speedy and safe return.
The Municipality of Bayham issues licenses for the following items:
Kennel & Animal Rescue Facility Licences
Kennel and Animal Rescue Facility licencing is regulated through By-law No. 2023-011, being a by-law to provide for the regulation of, restriction and prohibition of the keeping and the running at large of dogs in the Municipality of Bayham.
Licences are issued annually to approved locations in the municipality.
The current Kennel Licence Fees:
Kennel Licence (first time) $250.00
Kennel Licence (renewal) $200.00
Animal Rescue Facility Licence (first time) $150.00
Animal Rescue Facility Licence (renewal) $100.00
Applications for this licensing process are currently being developed. Please contact the Municipal Office if you are or would like to operate a Kennel or Animal Rescue Facility.
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for regulating and overseeing licensed lottery events (such as bingos, raffles and the sale of break open tickets) conducted by eligible charitable and religious organizations to raise funds to support charitable purposes.
As part of the AGCO’s regulatory responsibilities in the charitable sector, the AGCO administers, in partnership with municipalities, the regulatory framework governing the issuance of charitable lottery licences.
More information is available at AGCO.
Lottery Gaming General Information
A lottery event contains three elements: consideration or fee, chance to win a prize and a prize(s). Consideration may be direct or indirect. Only those lottery events approved by the AGCO may be licensable. These approved lottery events and much more information can be found in the AGCO Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM).
Only eligible charitable organizations can apply for a municipal lottery license. New organizations must first apply for eligibility to the Municipality of Bayham prior to applying for a lottery license. Eligibility for lottery licensing is based on four charitable categories:
1. Relief of Poverty
2. Advancement of Religion
3. Advancement of Education
4. Charitable Purposes Beneficial to the Community.
Municipal Lottery Licensing Fees
3% of the prize amount - Raffles, Bazaar, Break Open Nevada, Bingo etc.
Licence Minimum Fee: $10
Use of Lottery Proceeds
Funds raised through municipal lottery licensing can only be used for charitable purposes and must be in compliance with a charitable organization's mandate. For more information on eligible use of proceeds, refer to the AGCO Lottery Licensing Manual or contact the municipal office at 519-866-5521.
Bazaar License
Bazaar means an event where any combination of the following lotteries may be conducted:
- raffle not exceeding $50,000 in prizes
- bingo not exceeding $5,500 in prizes
- maximum three wheels of fortune with a maximum $2 bet.
A Bazaar license includes Penny Auction Sales.
Bazaar Licence Terms and Conditions
Raffle Licence
A raffle lottery is a scheme where tickets are sold for a chance to win a prize in a draw. The different types of raffle schemes are usually identified by the method of determining the winner. Prizes may consist of merchandise and/or cash. As a raffle is a type of lottery, it must be licensed regardless of the size of the prize or whether it is open to the public in accordance with the Criminal Code of Canada.
Raffle License Terms & Conditions
Blanket Raffle Licence
A blanket raffle licence will allow eligible organizations to obtain one lottery licence to conduct and manage more than one type of raffle event within a fixed time period and within a capped prize amount.
Break Open Tickets (BOT) Licence
Break Open tickets are instant win lottery tickets commonly known as Pull Tab, Nevada or Break Open tickets. A licence may last for the period indicated on the licence or whenever the licensee completes the ticket sales, whichever comes first.
Break Open Ticket Licence Terms & Conditions
Break Open Ticket Licence Application
Break Open Ticket Lottery Report
All application forms must be signed and submitted to the municipal office for eligibility review and processing.
The Municipality of Bayham regulates Refreshment Vehicles through By-law No. 2024-033.
The by-law defines a Refreshment Vehicle as any vehicle or stand (whether stationary or propelled by a motor or muscular power) which is used for the storage or preparation of food or drinks intended for sale to the public and shall include a Food Truck, Ice Cream Truck, Stationary Food/Beverage Vendor, and Stationary Barbeque Vendor.
Those wishing to operate, maintain, or sell refreshments from a Refreshment Vehicle within the Municipality of Bayham are required to obtain a License prior to operating. However, there are provisions that may allow Refreshment Vehicles associated with a Special Event to be exempt from needing a license.
A Special Event in the by-law is defined as a cultural, recreational, educational or similar event of a short term nature that has been approved by resolution of Council and shall include but is not limited to Edisonfest – Vienna, Canada Day – Port Burwell, Watermelon Fest – Straffordville or any event held by a not for profit organization, Registered Charity, Service Club, or Church Organization for a period of 3 days or less.
*** In either instance (operating under a license or a special event), proper zoning, insurance and credentials are required to be submitted to the Municipality. Contact the Clerk for further details.